Monday, December 28, 2009

Some Photos of Christmas

The first two photos are of Aiden after he received his Tonka truck. Aiden is starting to speak but mostly still says his ohhhs and ahhhs. That is what he is doing in the first picture. The second picture is of him inspecting his fork lift. The third photo- well, that was the end of the day! It even looks like Tanner had a hard day even though he was in his crate for most of the day! (BTW- this photo was taken around 5:30 at night!)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Morning

I was so excited that it was Christmas morning, that when I woke up at 5am, I couldn't understand why no one else was awake! I laid quietly in bed until 5:30. I heard Aiden starting to stir, so I went downstairs, made coffee, opened all the shades, turned on the Christmas lights and music, and made sure everything was just so. I got my coffee all ready, and I went back upstairs to get Russ up.

We had the video camera all set up, so Russ came down and turned it on. We put a mechanical Tonka forklift under the tree, unwrapped---a way to entice the little one. That did the trick! He was so excited! We would partially open a present, and when he could see what was possibly there, he would finish unwrapping the present.

One of his favorite presents from Santa was a farm book that he has been carrying around now for days. Above is a shot of him reviewing the book right after he opened the present. I can't wait until next year (with two little ones!)
We were so tired at the end of the day that I was in bed by 8:30 and Russ who never goes to bed early, was in bed by 10:30. We were pooped!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Swollen Ankles

Last time I was pregnant, I remember the first time my feet and ankles swelled, was when I went to NY for work as well as the for the company holiday party. I was seven months pregnant. Well, my feet and ankles have been swelling for about a month now! I am going back to NY this week for the holiday party. We shall see how my feet and ankles hold up this time around. I will be sure to pack some comfy shoes- just in case! Last time, Russ had to bring them with him, but this time he isn't joining me.

I am finding I do not have the stamina or ability to do as much as I did when I was pregnant with Aiden or maybe it was just that I didn't have as much to do! I think the latter part is more true. With my first pregnancy, I could lounge any time I wanted, and I could put my feet up whenever I desired. Not so anymore! I get so tired, so easily!

I had my blood sugar test done last week, and it came back just fine. My issues with my blood have also stayed the same. My stomach is measuring normal, but as the doctor put it, "You don't have much of a torso, so that baby has got to go somewhere."

I am going to work on my belly book too. I have been very bad about it this time around, and I really didn't want to be. I have enjoyed going back to look at it and read from it.

Well, tomorrow is the annual family Christmas party. I can't wait to see how Aiden reacts to Santa. I think his elf told me that he is bringing him a vacuum cleaner! I bet he is going to love it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Month of November

In terms of the little one's progress, all was well. The little one was making lots of movement which I didn't have with Aiden, and now as we enter into December, as I settle in for the night, the baby wakes up and makes my whole belly shake and bump!

Aiden, on the other hand, had a very big month of change! He was sick for over two weeks with a strange virus, which we thought was the swine flu. Thankfully, he didn't have it but whatever he had, sure didn't make him feel well at all! We removed Aiden from daycare because of the scare, as well as for many other reasons: me having to go on Tamiflu, the amount of time we lost from work (Russ now has only a few days off to be with me after the new baby arrives), and many other reasons which I do not care to share on this public blog. Due to him being home, we were able to keep up his routine with the help of his Grammy coming in from Florida. She took care of him for over week which was a tremendous amount of help. My mom also left her job early, and Aiden is now being cared for by Memere 5 days a week.

He has been coping with the change rather well. We were really nervous. I know he misses seeing kids everyday, and I feel really bad about that, but we are working on some playdates and playgroups. We will get it worked into his life because we believe socialization is very important.

As Christmas approaches, Aiden is noticing all the lights! I can't wait for Christmas this year! I always enjoy Christmas, but Aiden has brought magic and awe back! Awesome!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Aiden doesn't really have any attachments to things- he never really enjoyed being breastfed. After I stopped nursing, he never reached or asked for them. He doesn't suck his thumb, he doesn't use a pacifier, and he doesn't get upset about which blankets are in his crib. One thing though he has always enjoyed is the bottle. For months now, we have been using a sippy cup in the morning and for the entire day except for the milk before bed- that has been in a bottle. Well, for the past two nights, we have been giving him a sippy cup. We haven't noticed any significant change in his sleep pattern, and he hasn't really thrown a fit about being given a sippy cup.

I am proud that he can handle change so well. Or maybe we are just patient and know when he is ready for change? Who knows? I am just happy that so far, it has been smooth.

Now, for the hair pulling and tantrums...that is another story!


On Tuesday, October 27th, Aiden said his first word (excluding Mom and Dad). He actually just started saying momma actively last week. Every morning when Russ and I are getting ready for work, we get Aiden changed, give him a sippy cup of milk, and put on either Elmo or Baby Signing Time. He, of course, has strong feelings about what he is going to watch. He will either sign baby or "raise the roof" for Elmo. I asked him what he wanted to watch, and he said outloud, "Mom, Elmo!" It was as clear as day! I was so excited! I proclaimed my excitement, Russ came running in, and Aiden proceeded to clam up. He would not say a word for his daddy.

People say it is a curse once they start talking because then they do not stop. Well, for right now, I am looking forward to this! :-) Don't quote me on that.

Definitely Siblings!

Here is an ultrasound of the new little one at 19 weeks.

Here is an ultrasound of Aiden at 23 weeks.

See the family resemblance?


Friday, October 23, 2009

Pure Enjoyment

For weeks, Aiden had a runny nose, and it was mostly due to him cutting eye teeth. He wasn't a horrible child, and most of the time, he was very pleasant. Sleep had been a bit of an issue, but it was all manageable and just fine. Last weekend, Aiden was such an incredible child- easy, laughing, happy, spirited. We didn't know he could be this good! I guess what I am trying to say is that although we thought he was pleasant before, he really impressed us over the weekend.
We took him to see his Grampy at an Irish Pub up in Bath. They preform on the 17th of every month. He is the drum major for The Maine Public Safety Core. I am sure I didn't get the name correct.

I think the picture will help explain what I am talking about. Anyways, we were meeting him and Dee at the pub at three for a snack/ late lunch/ early supper, and they were to perform from 4-5. Earlier in the day, I had Mommy's group, so by the time I got Aiden down, he ended up only having an hour nap. We thought he would nap in the car on the way up since it was an hour ride- NOPE! Russ and I said to one another that it could really go one of two ways once we got there. Aiden would either really love the music or be horrible due to noise and/or exhaustion. (It should be noted that on most days, Aiden naps anywhere from 2- 3.5 hours.)

Long story short- AIDEN LOVED THE BAG PIPES AND THE DRUMS! Grampy would announce, "To the Guinness!" Folks would raise their glasses and proclaim, "To the Guinness!" He would then yell, "Hoist!" Then everyone would repeat that and take a swig of their drinks. Aiden quickly caught on (God- I hope he doesn't act like this when he is 18!) and took sips out of his sippy cup when his Grampy made these proclamations. He clapped along, smiled and thoroughly enjoyed himself. As the end of the performance approached, this lady from across the pub, approached me. She asked me if I was Aiden's mom, and I told her I was. She told me that she thought Aiden was adorable and asked for me to take the money she was handing me to go buy Aiden a present! Russ and I are not sure if that was sweet, morbid or both. What do you think? By the end, Aiden was rubbing his eyes and was quite tired. It was now five, dinner time, and we had an hour drive home. We were about 30 minutes into our trip, when Aiden got fussy. We decided to stop and get a quick bite to eat. He behaved the whole time, ate his dinner, and because we are just on top of our game, didn't know until the end of his supper, that he was sitting in a leaky diaper. We got home, gave him a bath, and he went to bed without a hitch. Needless to say, it was a great day with a child who barely slept. And not to brag, but Sunday was just as good.

I guess, as parents, we all need moments like these to remind us why we wanted to be parents. We all know they are going to be difficult, but it is in these times when they are so fun, you really don't have the stress and can just enjoy.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Much Going On All The Time!

It seems like there is always something new going on in our house with Aiden. Lately it has been sleep issues. He suddenly likes to wake up around 1 and not go back to bed until 3am. It is quite a drag. Hopefully, it is just because of teeth or something. We are tired parents.

Last night, Aiden started signing bus all by himself. He also did train! He now signs the following:

- Dad

- Hat

- Horse

- Thank you

- Please

- Flower

- Dog

- Milk

- Bus

- Cold

- Hot

- Cracker

- Baby

- Tree

- Cat

- Bike

- Ball

- Shoes

- More

- Fish

- Eat

- Stop

- All done

- Rain

- and more that neither Russ or I can think of at the moment.

Bath time has become quite the adventure as well. He has found his "you know what." He loves to reach for the toliet paper and get it soaking wet. He loves to splash and lay on his belly and read his bath books. He is quite the site!

Lately, he grunts while in his car seat and reaches out with his hand. He wants to hold my hand while I am driving. It is quite hysterical (and dangerous), but I just can't resist. He gives me the biggest smile when we do it, and honestly, this is the most I get out of him in terms of cuddling. He will cuddle up to me when getting ready for bed but when it comes to actually going to bed, he wants his daddy.

We got Aiden a football a while back, but just took it out for him to play with. He loves to tease Tugs with it...and Tugs will jump up on him, push him over, take the ball and run. Aiden will scream and go chasing after the ball! It is quite a site. They love to play with one another.

He is growing like a weed, and is ready for another haircut. What a big boy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kiss the Baby in Mommy's Belly

Russ and I have been discussing how to introduce the idea of a new baby to Aiden, and at this point, we aren't in any rush to make him understand. He is only 19 months old, and I have 6 more months to go. We have bought a few picture books to use, but for now they are just in his book pile that he looks at.

The other day I decided I was going to show him my belly. Well, he certainly got a kick out of my belly button. (For those of you who don't know this about me, I can't stand anyone touching my belly button. I can feel it all the way through my back! It gives me the hebejebe's! Seriously!) Aiden giggled as he pointed and touched my belly button. It has become quite a game for him. He will come over to me, lift up my shirt and actually pull my maternity bands down so he can see my belly button. Russ and I have seen him lifting up his shirt and pointing to his belly button.

But- there lies a problem with this. The other day at the grocery store, Aiden lifted his shirt and then proceeded to pull my shirt down and flash everyone my chest! It was just fantastic. The kid didn't even do that when I was nursing him. But now- with a baby in my belly, he thinks he can just pull down whatever he wants! :-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sleeping Patterns

So, as adults, we all enjoy going to bed and not waking up to an alarm clock or to an agenda. But, when you become parents, your alarm clock becomes your child which doesn't have a snooze button or an internal understanding that it is a weekend and you want to get another hour of sleep. Then there is the sleep you get when you are pregnant which is very easy to explain- it is the type of sleep that prepares you for having a child. You have to pee three times a night, you can't find a comfortable position to sleep in, and as you get further along, insomnia kicks in.

Well, in my current situation, I have a child and I am pregnant. Just imagine my delight when Aiden decided that he didn't want to sleep from midnight to four am last night! What a way to end a great long weekend before my work week started.

Can't wait to get some zzzz's when I am in the hospital where I will ask that I don't get visitors and my baby sleeps in the nursery. Oh wait- if I am in the hospital- they will be sure to get my vitals every few hours. Crap! I am shit out of luck!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Other "Children"

When I was pregnant for Aiden, I seriously neglected our dogs, Tugs and Tanner. Well, I take that back. It wasn't true neglect, but they didn't get walked as much, and I didn't groom them enough. Then we had Aiden. I still didn't groom them enough or walk them. What is going to happen when I have another baby?

(Please note: I consider dressing up my dogs silly. These were gifts, so we thought we better do it and take a picture. And of course, this is the only one I can find on my computer at the moment.)

Well, last night I groomed Tugs. This poor dog had so much hair, and it has been 90 degrees outside. I had to do it even though it sucked all the life out of me. His nails are so long, I could paint them and grown women would be jealous of how long and strong they are! Just kidding. But you get my point.

I am seriously going to have to give myself a kick in the butt---well, I can't reach, maybe Russ can, and he and I can work on giving them some grooming attention and some walking time each week. Poor little doggies. They are my first kids...and I feel I have left them on the wayside.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lots of Things

Yesterday, I went to my ob appointment, and met my new doctor. I can officially say, "I really like him." He has a good humor, he laughs and gets excited about babies, and actually sits with you and talks with you. I never had that with my last doctor. Before, my doctor would only ocassionaly come in, with my file in his hand while reading it, and just answer the nurse's concern and be gone. This is much, much better!

I got to hear the baby's heart beat! It was wonderful!

I think I am having a pretty easy first trimester again (knock on wood), but I can't say I haven't felt great either. Last time, I would hit a wall around 2pm. My energy level is much better this time around except for the past few days. I am not having any food diversions this time, so far either. I am getting headaches like last time. Very rare heartburn like last time too. My biggest problem is my digestive system. I think my prenatal vitamins were the culprit, and I have just started only taking folic acid and a few tums for calcium. So far, things have improved a little bit. Like last time, I am going to bed by 9 or 10pm at the latest.

So, I started looking for some books on raising two children under the age of three. I found one on Amazon that was perfect- except for the price tag! It was $67.00! No joke! It must be a book that is out of print. I will see if they have it at the library because there is no way I would pay that for a book. We found some books, and I look forward to getting them. We also got Aiden a few books about becoming a big brother. It will be interesting to see how much he really understands and how he transitions.

Right now, he is so much fun but so hard too. He won't sit in the tub, and he is hitting, biting and pinching. Where do kids learn these things? Most of time when he is being rough, it is when he is so tired he doesn't know what to do with himself or when he can't communicate something. He still isn't talking except for the occasional dada and sit, but he is signing a lot more.

He is signing:
Signing Time
All Done

And I am sure I missing some.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Due Date

My due date is March 12th! Aiden will have just turned two. WOW!

I have so many thoughts running through my head. I better read some books on how to manage my life with a two year old and a baby.

Oh boy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bun In the Oven

On Monday, July 5th, I confirmed that I am pregnant! On Tuesday, I got the call from my doctor, that I am indeed pregnant. He said the same exact thing to me this time, "You are very, very pregnant." Yesterday, July 16th, I went for my first ultrasound. Everything looks good according to the ultrasound tech, but I will find out more when I go back to my doctor. And the best news---he has found an OB that will take me on even though he isn't a high risk doctor. That doesn't sound good but really it is. This doctor has filled in for many high risk doctors, is familiar with my situation, and is happy to take me on. This is such a relief to me! I didn't want to go through all the hassles and waiting for an hour or more every two weeks at my appointments.

We are thinking the due date is around March 13th. We will see what the doctor says. But that will put Aiden and this little bean just two years and a few weeks apart! :-) I hope they become the best of friends.

And the best part of all....we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby this time either!!! It may annoy or frustrate or whatever adjective you want to use, but it really is the best surprise in the world, and I would like to have that surprise again!

Now, I need to go find my tums...I have a bit of heartburn.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Duct Tape- Cause You Just Never Know

Last weekend, Russ, Aiden, myself, and our friends Nate and Kim, went camping up in Andover, Maine. (It sounds really good when you put in the Maine accent.)

We have come away from this camping trip with my lessons, and would like to share our lessons with you.

#1. Always pack Duct Tape. As Denise said, "You never know when you might need it."

#2. During a hail storm, always keep your kayak tied down.

#3. During a hail storm, stay in vehicle as stated in tip number 2, as you watch your kayak fall off your vehicle and take out your driver's side mirror.

#4. Pack a spare key in your pocket, so when your dog locks you out of the car during the said hail storm, you can enter your vehicle.

#5. It is not recommended to run in hail storm with shorts on. It hurts.

#6. When a nice lady offers you her pop up as refuge, take it.

#7. After the 20 minute hail storm, erect as many tarps as you possibly can.

#8. Be prepared to do laps around the campgrounds in your car. Hint- Pack many soothing CD's. And take pride as you make your tenth lap knowing that all the onlookers understand why you just keep driving around and around.

#9. HINT- Buy a mo-fo of a tent that will accomodate a pack or play or better yet, a full size crib so your 16 month old cannot figure out that when he or she walks up, he or she can roam the tent and party all night long.

#10. On the off chance that your 16 month old thinks it is 7am, but it is 1:45am and wants to get his or her day started, prepare a bottle before bed and prepare the car as a spare bedroom for a parent to sleep in as well as the mentioned 16 month old to sleep in.

#11. When scouting out a campground 6 months ahead of time, read the Farmer's Almanac. It may help when you pack.

#12. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BATHE A CHILD IN A RUBBERMAID CONTAINTER at the coin-op showers without help. The end result is a big bruise on the head, a screaming toddler due to the cold bath and bump on head, and you will be soaked. Just bathe the kid at the site- boil some water and mix it with cool water. That is much better.

#13. Bring a dog with you so your child can chase it down the camp road, over and over and over and over and over again because the ground will be muddy and the lake will be frigid and most activities won't last very long...but dog chasing can just go on and on.

#14. When getting into a kayak for the first time in three years, have someone else hold the kayak steady, or you will surely get wet as well as have onlookers snicker and snort.

#15. When attempting to take a shower after the cold dip in the lake, prepare for teenagers chatting non-stop about how good strawberry cheesecake is and how much longer they are going to be in the shower. Example, "Are you almost done?" "I could be in here forever. Let's stay in for 5 more minutes." "Have you ever had cheesecake?" "No, but I bet it is so good." "It is really good---I love strawberry cheesecake." "Tell me what it is like."

#16. Remember the Benadryl. It comes in handy when your 16 month old is attacked by killer mosiquitos!

#17. Bring your ipod with the ifart application. You will never laugh so hard in your life, especially when the neighboring camper is dealing with hose problems to their camper. And the other neighbor is using their protable potty on the other side of it. It is sort of ironic.

#18. Bring a screen room and put it under one those many tarps. You will thank us later when you are dry and not bug bitten.

#19. Repeat reading of #18. We strongly recommend listening to it.

#20. Always go camping with friends. Because when it sucks, at least you are with them, and you can all complain together and find the joy of friendship even when you are cold, bug bitten, hailed upon and packing your wet gear.

Those are our top 20 tips. We hope you enjoy your next camping experience.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Aiden's Stats

I have been thinking a lot about Aiden lately who just turned 16 months old! Let me rephrase that- I am always thinking about Aiden but I have been thinking about a lot of little things about him.

* Aiden loves to play peek-a-boo either by lifting his bib up or by hiding behind things. He also likes to just stay hidden and have you come find him. I can't believe he is already playing hide-and-seek.

* Aiden likes to grab my pointing finger and have me act like I am being zapped. He cracks up!

* Aiden is saying so many things- with sign language! He says: all done, more, dog, signing time, hat, dad, and please.

* Aiden has more fun brushing his teeth now than he does taking a bath.

* Aiden is getting so good with his fine motor skills (minus how he still shoves food in his mouth!). You can just see him focus as he tries so hard to push a button and make something work.

* Aiden has figured out how to make himself go forward on his little car- he pushes his chest forward as he does it- hilarious!

* Aiden is freaked out by all dogs unless they are his own.

* Aiden loves his books. He will sit on the floor and flip through the pages for long stretches at a time.

* Aiden is getting really good at coming back down the stairs now.

* Aiden thinks climbing on the furniture is the best thing since sliced bread.

*And if I unplugged his humidifier in his room, he gets sick as soon as I put it away, so we have left it plugged in.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spending Time Together


Aiden has been using a new word all weekend- Sit! He tells everyone to sit. It is hysterical. It is interesting how he kept saying Dad and then stopped. Now his word is sit.

The other funny thing that he has been doing is crossing his arms. I posted a picture on the sidebar. I was wondering all weekend where he picked it up, and I figured he must have gotten it from the two year old at daycare. I asked this am at dropoff. Apparently, the young girl throws fits, crosses her arms and storms off. Hilarious! What is so interesting about all this- he can't mimic a video that he watches every single day with sign language but can copy this girl?! (I should say- he does sign "all done."

This past weekend Russ' mom came to visit. I took a lot of photos but with my regular camera...I can't wait to get the film developed. I think I got some nice shots. We went over to Peak's Island, and we went down to the beach. He absolutely hated the sand and ocean. Hopefully, he will warm up to it soon since we will be camping on the water at the end of June.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Update on Kitty

I called the Animal Refuge League today to get an update. They are calling the kitty Twinkie. It is a male, and he is about one month old! He is currently residing in foster care and is doing well. YAY! He will be up for adoption in about a month after getting neutured and is a bit older. I am so relieved!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Highway Kitty

This morning, I was driving Aiden to my mom's, and I was just about to get on the highway. The road before the entrance to the highway, I another highway. I was driving, and I saw a kitten sitting, scared to death in the middle of the two lanes. I slowed down, pulled over and backed up in the median. I pulled over as far as I could off the road because Aiden was in the car with me. I was able to get a big tractor trailer to stop as well as another car in the other lane, so I started to approach the kitten. Well, the poor kitty was so terrified, and it ran into the median. Another car on the other side of the highway saw what was happening, and pulled over on that side of the highway. The kitten ran underneath that car. At this point, the lady who had stopped on my side of the road, got out, and walked towards the other car. I got in my car, drove to the other side of the our two lanes of traffic and pulled over onto the grass to get as far off as possible. The two ladies were able to get the kitty!!! None of us could keep the poor kitten, so I found a sturdy bag and the other lady had a receiving blanket. We put the blanket in the bag, put the kitty in the bag, and I carried the kitten to my car. The kitten's fur was matted on one side and had some dried up blood on it's nose as well as a big scratch on it's nose. The kitten smelled like rubber and fuel.

I brought the kitten to the Animal Refuge League this am. I am so thankful this kitten has another chance to find a home! It was so cute---a long haired, gray and white kitten. I am guessing it a month or two old---it could fit in the palm of my hand.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sickness and Tantrums!

Well, by the end of last week---probably around Friday, Aiden was sounding and doing much better! His cold is finally gone! Phew! I still got him an appointment at the allergist. It will just make me feel better to talk to a doctor that specializes in allerigies and ezcema. I am done with my antibiotics too, and I am feeling better too!

So last week, Aiden threw his first tantrum. I know it is because he is frustrated and can't adequately explain his feelings, and it was actually quite funny. Last night though---his fit lasted at least 10 minutes. I went on Skype so Aiden could see his grammy, and I took away my cell phone. He had pulled it off the table, was trying to connect to the internet which we do not have on our phone plan, and was shoving the thing half way down his throat...Well, when I took it away from him after chasing him across the living room, he freaked. He threw an absolute fit. It was hilarious but just a bit scary to see the glimpse of what is to come! WOW!

Also- over the weekend, the coffee table was put in the spare bedroom. Aiden learned how to climb it and stand on it! Now we really can't leave him for a minute or two...he will climb and fall!

He is always up to a new adventure. I love him!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is It Allergies or Is It a Cold?

Aiden got a cold on April 3rd. It hasn't gone away, and today it is April 28th- 25 days of having a cold!!! That just doesn't seem right. It has been beautiful weather, so the windows have been open for the past few days and the tree pollen count is very high. I believe Aiden's cold went away, and he has allergies. His tooth came through, so we can't blame a tooth!

Our regular doctor is on vacation, so Russ took Aiden to see the doctor covering for him. I called this am because Aiden was wheezing, and his snot had gotten really bad since last night- all of a sudden--very congested. How does he go from barely having an issue to it being severe again?

Anyways- I didn't hear what I wanted to hear from the doctor. I truly believe something else is going on. Why would his ezcema suddenly worsen too? None of it makes sense, and I am super frustrated.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Aiden's First Word

About a week and a half or two weeks ago, I heard Aiden say, "Dad?" And then he said it again. And then a few minutes later, he said it again. I was laying in bed trying to tell Russ that Aiden called for him. Russ never heard anything. I kept telling him that he really did, and that it wasn't in between all his gibberish. Well, the time arrived this morning....

Aiden was in the dining room, and he heard his daddy coming down the steps. Aiden said, "Dad." I hollered to Russ, "Russ did you hear that!? He said your name!" He didn't hear him. Well, Aiden did it again, and this time Russ heard! It was great! He doesn't say Dada...he says Dad with a high pitch! Very, very cute! I can't wait to see what he says next! (Although I do think he says hi---he will hit the window when Russ is out with the dogs and say," I, I, I."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time Tables are Rubbish

When we found out we were pregnant, we spent a lot of time reading books about parenting and what to expect. Even after Aiden was born- for probably the first 6 months, I spent a lot of time reading those kinds of books. Now he is a year old, and I never read those books---just a few pages out of our Parenting magazine (which I am not sure how we acquired). Actually, I can't seem the find the time to just read. The point is, I spent all this time worrying about what Aiden could or couldn't do. Now I just worry without having the books---I just have other kids to compare him to.

I KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT. I know! I know! I know! But- when you hear one parent say that they think their kid is behind and this kid can do way more than your own kid or you see another kid that is only a month older doing way makes you wonder---well, it does for me anyway. Example: why can't my kid sign milk? I show him the movies, I make the sign every day, I even have him do it. Why can't he do it? What did that mother or father do to get him or her to do it? Is something wrong with Aiden? Is something wrong with me? Is daycare not teaching him anything?

I know it is just power of the course...and I know it is (in a sense) all rubbish...I know I shouldn't worry until he is really old enough to know better...but I am human, and I want to make sure I give him everything I can. I know that this kind of worrying is a lot better than the worrying I will have when he takes a car out for a drive on his own. But man---parenting is hard. I know in my heart I am doing the best I can, but I guess you only stay accountable and responsible if you evaluate yourself.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Puddle Jumping

At Aiden's daycare, they like to play outside! Well, it is officially mud season, and Aiden owns three pairs of shoes- his soft leather booties, his Stride Rite sneakers, and his Reebok sneakers. I didn't feel any of those would be sufficent for him to play in outside since it is so muddy out. I could just see him taking a step into a big puddle in his little stride rite sneakers---what a mess! Aiden is only wearing a size 4 and to find boots was easy---at $30 bucks a pair. I think that is silly for itty bitty feet, so I went to EBay and found the cutest pair of size 5...yeah, a little big, but nothing heavy socks can't help fix! These are what we got for him:

They are just so adorable! They arrived in the mail yesterday. I wish our video camera was working. I put them on Aiden's feet, and he didn't know what to think of them. They are a tad heavy on his feet, so walking was a bit difficult for him. He ended up just sitting on the floor and playing with the big zippers. After a while, he did get up and walk around with them. At least now, it will be okay when he wants to walk through a puddle---I mean, hey, the kid is only one! I can't take away puddle jumping yet! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009


Last week Russ, Aiden, and I went to Florida to see Aiden's Grammy, Carolyn. It was Aiden's first flying experience. He did a wonderful job on the way down. We went to the aquarium on our first full day (Friday). Aiden had a great time looking at all the fish. At times, he appeared to not be interested, and than at other times, he really was. We also spent a lot of time just being with the family which was nice. On our last full day (Monday), we went to Busch Gardens! Aiden was thrilled to be in the stroller and just look all around. It was chilly that day---around 56 or so with a breeze in the morning. Grammy would watch Aiden while we went on a few roller coasters. Those were a blast---scary, but really, really fun! Aiden was so nosy that he didn't crash until we were just about to leave Busch, so we let him sleep, which only lasted about 20 minutes. With no nap, our return flight was hard. He was overtired. He sounded like a wounded cat for 3 hours or so on the first leg of the trip. All in all- he was a good boy!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Aiden's First Birthday Party!

WoW! What a party! It was a lot of fun! Russ has to work on Saturday mornings, so it was so great to have Cheri come over and help out. She gave Aiden a bath, fed him lunch, helped me pipe on the "fur" on Cookie Monster, she entertained Aiden, she helped set up and clean up. She was a blessing to have on Saturday! It is a lot of work to entertain 27 people!
Aiden didn't like how the frosting felt on his hand, so he never ate the cake. He did have some after his lunch with Auntie Cheri but not during his ceremonial Happy Birthday song or anything. He did know he was center of attention---he put on a good show. He was such a good boy too! No break downs or anything! Happy birthday little man! We love you!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Aiden is One Today

Look at our little guy! He is growing up! Happy Birthday, Aiden! Mommy and Daddy love you very much! All week I have been running the play by play of this time last year in my mind. As I am typing this...I was in labor for you, and I had just gotten an epidural! We were so excited that you were coming into our lives.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Seven

Hooray! We made it a week, and it wasn't horrible or anything!!! Aiden slept all night last night- no wake ups! I wonder how long that is going to last!?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Six

Last night was a bit complicated. Aiden only took a two hour nap from 11:30 until 1:30---so by 6 he was quite ready for bed. We were at my mom's house, so Russ took him home. I came in the house, shortly after Russ put him down, but Aiden wasn't going down. I went up with a bottle, and Aiden sucked it down and off to sleep he went. He did get up though around 3:30 and really struggled to go back down. He had slept 8 and a half hours at this point! We took him downstairs, and I laid with him on the couch (not our bed) and off to sleep he went.

We slept there until 6:20am!

Crying It Out- Night Five

Cheri and Chris had the honor of putting Aiden to bed, and I must say, they did an excellent job! Aiden did his usual- put his head down, cried until they reached the bottom of the steps, and he went off to sleep.

He slept until 3 or so, had a small bottle, and back to bed until 6:45am!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Four

So, last night was a rough night...

He went down okay, and he did his usual wake up around 1am...but he really struggled to soothe himself to get back down. Russ and I both got up...we both tried the bottle, etc...his diaper didn't feel too wet, so we left it...but he kept crying...Russ got back and changed him...Aiden proceeded to scream...but he did go down...

I think we were up off and on for over an hour last night.

I say it was rough because there were more tears than any night so far.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Three

Last night we had company, so we were a bit nervous and uncertain of how he would respond to the commotion, etc when it came time for bed.

Russ brought him upstairs, put him in the crib, two minutes of crying...and silence until 1:30. A small bottle of magic called formula...and ta da...back to sleep after a few minutes of crying.

Aiden woke up on his own at 6:30am!

I am loving it!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Two


Russ brought Aiden upstairs at 9pm, Aiden put his head down and silence. Russ came downstairs, forgot the monitor, went back upstairs, Aiden saw him, Aiden cried for a few, and then...


Aiden slept from 9 until 1:30. After some crying, Russ changed his diaper, I fed him a bottle, and about 15 minutes later and a few tears, Aiden was back down to sleep.

He slept quietly until about 5am...he got a bit restless but stayed asleep and quiet until 6:30am!

This really works. I can't wait to see what tonight brings!

PS---Aiden is starting to wave---well, more like toss his arm up and down. It is super cute though! (Of course!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crying It Out- Night One

When Aiden was in his ninth month, he started to sleep through the night, so his need for nursing was minimal. We thought that it would be a good time to get him sleeping back in his crib. After a week of letting him cry it out, there was no improvement of his ability to go down or a shorter crying period...instead, the nights just got worse!

Well, here Aiden is at almost a year old---only 15 more days to go (holy cow---he is almost one!), and we decided now is the time. We know he can go through the night without a bottle, and he is pretty much weaned from me. So....last night, was our first night. I stayed out of the process entirely except to be Russ' support. We thought it would be best for me to not be involved because we weren't sure if that would be harder for Aiden to have me going in to comfort him---not sure if that would confuse him or not...since I am typically the "boob." Aiden will only sleep for me if I pacify him...he will sleep on Daddy's shoulder or belly without a bottle or boob. Hence our decision.

Well, after about an hour...he went down. He ended up using a blanket as a pillow---I know, I know...not the safest...

He slept for 8 hours straight! Woo Hoo!

Let's see what tonight brings!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dear Aiden,

Dear Aiden,

I know you love your daddy just by the way you smile at him and reach your arms out to him. I know you love your daddy by the way you snuggle with him to fall asleep. I know you love your daddy just by the way you giggle with him.

I want you to know that I love your daddy too. Your daddy has been working so hard lately and in so many ways. I love his dedication to you and our family. I love how he smiles from the inside out when he is with you. I love how he doesn't complain when mommy has to work late. I love how he is just so happy to spend time with you no matter the reason.

I also want you to know something...your daddy has been working really hard at losing weight so that he feels better but also so that he can be with you and me for as long as possible. Your daddy has done a great job! I am really proud of him!

I can't wait to see how your love will flourish with him as you get bigger and bigger!

We love you little man!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sweet Kisses

Aiden has learned how to kiss! It is the sweetest thing! You may not enjoy them but I love them! He doesn't know to close his mouth---he just leans with his mouth wide open! It is so sweet! Aiden is not a cuddler by any means unless you are memere or Daddy. Aiden does not cuddle with me...but he kisses me, and I love it!

We put one of his toys on the coffee table, and if you spin it, it sings a song and lights up. Well, he will stand at the table, spin it, and dances along! It is the cutest thing. We also cleaned out the entertainment center because he was pulling out the dvd's, etc. He know climbs inside and thinks it is so much fun!

We have been trying to capture him in these moments but he turns his head, looks at the camera and smiles. What a ham!

God, I just love this kid! :-)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Photos as of Late

Life has been busy...and these photos show you what has been going on...Christmas, teeth cutting and tears! (He has found his voice!) Aiden actually now has four teeth but I haven't been able to get a picture of that (yet).