Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aiden Speaks!

For a long time, our doctor was concerned with Aiden's speech, but we weren't worried. We felt that he knew how to sign to communicate, and we believed that because he is a boy, it would just take him longer. In speaking with others, they all said the same thing, "Boys just take longer to talk and when he does start talking, he will be speaking in sentences!" Well, Aiden turned two, and he was only saying a few words like dog, dadda, and ball (a bit more but that is all that comes to mind right now). Then Elijah was born. Aiden's temper got worse with frustration. We decided we would call child development services like the doctor had suggested. Well...

Wouldn't you know it- in the past month, he seems to have picked up a new word on a daily basis. The best was when was got him to say Vaughn- he can't say the g sound for grandpa or grandma, but on Father's day, he walked right up to Vaughn and said, "Vaughn." It was so cute. Russ loved it when Aiden walked past the trash can and just blurted out, "trash!" I can't wait for the day when he actually calls me momma. He only says it when he is upset but when I ask him who I am, he says nothing.

Next week is the visit from Child Development let's see what they think.

Friday, June 11, 2010

So Little Time...

It has been a while since I have had a moment to blog, and really, I need to be paying bills right now, and really, I need to be working at my job- not my personal life. But I want to take a minute or two to just get some thoughts put out there.

1- Having two kids is hard in numerous ways
2- You think your personal life is over after having one child...add a second
3- I just want 10 minutes a day to work out
4- I just want another 10 minutes to go the bathroom and maybe read a magazine the same time or in seperate places
4- I love my children deeply and do not regret them
5- I just regret that my usual organized self can't pull it together
6- I have a call in a few minutes to talk about Aiden's development...hope that we can get him talking- it would help with our struggles with him lately

I have to go pee before this call...see- no time!