Friday, February 29, 2008

Breastfeeding- Warning TMI posted here

Some people have no issues with breastfeeding- the baby just gets it. Well, Aiden isn't quite getting it. I have been struggling since day one with him. It is a lot of things---

For me: I have a hard time holding my breast (quite big) and holding him while he squirms and puts his hand over the top of my nipple so I can't see what he is doing. I can't seem to get my nipple in far enough or stay hard enough, long enough to make it worth his while (unless I use the breast shield.)

For Aiden: He has a small mouth (sort of). If he is yawning, his mouth opens up enough, but most times when he is hungry, his mouth is oval and it isn't wide enough. Most times, I have to adjust his bottom lip because he doesn't make the "fish lips," so it usually hurts my nipple. Aiden gets very frustrated quite quickly because he isn't getting instant satisfaction.

On a positive note, I was able to get him to latch for 15 minutes last night! Usually it is only for five. Russ brought down the rocking chair, and I think it made quite a difference because it put me more upright, and I think the angle was much better.

I am going to a breastfeeding support group today. Hopefully it helps. I am happy to pump to get my milk to come in and to supplement while I am at work and for the occassional bottle so Russ can take part, but I don't want to feel like all I am doing is is different when the baby is latched.

1 comment:

Kate Stoddard said...

Just relax my sweet. I know it is a wonderful bonding experience, but take it from one who didn't breast feed, you will still be his mommy and no other bond will be as close. No matter what happens, you two will be very special to each other. There's no one like mommy.

And going to a group is a great idea. Every baby is different, but other moms will have great suggestions for you. Also look at online support groups. Those can be very helpful as well.