Friday, September 28, 2007

Scary Thoughts

So I have read that it is very commom for dreams to be very vivid and feel "real." Before last night, I only had one dream like that. I had dreamt an old and dear neighbor of mine had passed away, and I woke up crying so hard! Last night, I had to wake Russ up. I had dreamt that I was bleeding and lost the baby! It was horrible! I really thought it had happened. I do know why I was dreaming that way though.

I had this strange feeling near my belly button all afternoon and evening and even in bed. It felt like I had pulled a stitch, if you know what I mean. It was very strange, and I allowed myself to panic about it. Here it is now 9am, and I feel just fine. I really do work myself up before giving myself a chance to rest and to be quiet and to clear my head!

I think it is so cool to have such vivid dreams- I just hope my next one is something more pleasant! :)

1 comment:

cmae said...

:-) I'm sorry to hear you're still experiencing pains, but am I to understand you're learning that they might be normal? I hope so.