Thursday, April 3, 2008

Six Weeks Post-Delivery...With More Boob Problems

It has been six weeks! Time flies! My little guy is already 11 pounds 1 oz. WOW! We have been using only one to two bottles a day now---so almost completely on the boob! ;) But he is still getting breastmilk. I went to the lactation consultant today because I thought he was latching on wrong because my nipples hurt so badly to the point that I was in tears last night when I couldn't hold Aiden against me without severe pain. I was confused because I didn't have any cracking, splitting, or anything like that.

Here is what we decided: I either have thrush (yeast infection) or Raynaud's Phenomenon. I think it is Raynaud's---meaning my nipple turns white, then blue, then red. It means that the blood flow is lacking and slowly returns. It hurts when I get cold or chilled especially. It can be thought of thrush because of the type of pain I am having but I do not have pain when I am nursing. Another thing I learned...if I do have thursh, Aiden's pediatrician will not treat him unless he presents with symptoms even though he is now a carrier of it, so if I do have thrush and it gets cleared up, Aiden can just give it back to me. So....I am hoping it isn't thrush.

On a fun note...I am getting my hair colored tonight! I haven't decided yet if we are just going with blonde highlights or red and blonde highlights or just red highlights! FUN!


Kate Stoddard said...

Live dangerously. Go for blonde and red. You'll look terrif!!! (not that you don't now beautiful lady)

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