Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend and Looking Forward

What a busy weekend I had. I did way too much. I still had my cold but was feeling better. I started at 7am on Saturday and didn't stop until 4:00- STUPID. I was pooped. Sunday, Russ and I did a bunch of errands. We got the stones for the retaining wall, the carpet for the baby's room, and some other things. I did all the gardening outside...the backs of my legs can attest. Russ got the wall done. Needless to say, by the time we got to grocery shopping, we were both pooped!

I have a doctor appt tomorrow with an ultrasound. I am looking forward to it. I am anxious to see how much the baby has grown. Four weeks ago, the baby weighed 10oz. According to books, the baby at 19 weeks would be around 7-8 oz. So I am curious to see what the baby weighs now.

1 comment:

cmae said...

Isn't it funny - your baby seems to be bigger than the "average" estimates. Just goes to show you how useful they are (not)!!