Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Eating rules for babies and toddlers- throw the handbook out on Eli! He was eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at 11 months old! (Maybe even 10 months old!)

Well, I buy these great little Popsicles to bride Aiden with to finish dinner- they are the Mighty Minis by Popsicle brand or something like that. They are ultra small, and they don't drip much because they put a bit of gelatin in them.

A few Sundays ago, Aiden was napping, I was outside doing yard work, and Russ was inside with Eli. I happened to go in for something, and Russ just pulled a creamsicle out of the freezer. Well, Eli made it clear that he wanted one. He anchored his feet, stretched his arms straight down and screeched- letting us know that he wanted on too, Dang it!

I suggested to Russ to take Eli outside on the steps to eat the Popsicles together... here are some photos of that great moment shared between Daddy and son...


Monique said...

What a personality! Knows what he wants... and has good taste! :)

Meredith said...

LOVE IT!!! SO cute!!
Eli is just .... so smooshy adorable and I just want to gobble him up!!! :)