Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I am in a very ugly mood---I have been for a few days now. I am scared of the state of our economy---ours as in mine personally as well as the state of Maine and the nation. I am scared of what is going on with oil. I knew that having a child would greatly impact our income and make it difficult but I do not like this stress I am having. I have to figure out a way to deal with it. I am not upset or regret having Aiden. He is wonderful. I am just saying that although I thought we were prepared...we aren't.

I am thinking this is quite common. It is very easy to meet the basic demands at first but then there are so many other things- like laundry detergent, thermometers, creams and lotions for this and that, additional bottles for daycare, and the list goes on. I am quite thankful for all the clothes and toy donations; I really appreciate them. I just pray that we can figure out a way really soon to make our life a bit easier. I know that money is going to stay very tight, and I am okay with that, but to get to a point where we can be on a budget and stay on it and pay our bills on time...that would make me much happier.


Kate Stoddard said...

I'm right there with you sister. It's very stressful. Just tickle your son and watch him laugh and that takes the stress away. . . even if it's just for a few seconds.

cmae said...

If anyone can do this with grace and a sense of humor, it's you. We've got your back.

Denise said...

Thank you guys!