Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Babies are amazing. They grow at a rapid rate and communicate to us on so many levels. It starts with just a certain cry. You learn what each cry means and what that baby wants. Then it starts to progress into stronger cries and slight body movements. (Mind you- wet diapers are also part of the communication.) But then suddenly your baby starts making eye contact- then they start making other noises to tell you what they want. Then one day they respond to their name and turn their head and look at you. They move their bodies in a certain way. I am just in awe at how much Aiden is "talking" to us lately, but I am also in awe how much he spoke to us this week when he didn't feel well. I can't explain how much he has said to us without saying a single word yet how much he has grown this week with his body language and voice...

Do I make any sense?


cmae said...

It's a beautiful dance - enjoy it!

Kate Stoddard said...

It's the silent communication of love.