Friday, June 11, 2010

So Little Time...

It has been a while since I have had a moment to blog, and really, I need to be paying bills right now, and really, I need to be working at my job- not my personal life. But I want to take a minute or two to just get some thoughts put out there.

1- Having two kids is hard in numerous ways
2- You think your personal life is over after having one child...add a second
3- I just want 10 minutes a day to work out
4- I just want another 10 minutes to go the bathroom and maybe read a magazine the same time or in seperate places
4- I love my children deeply and do not regret them
5- I just regret that my usual organized self can't pull it together
6- I have a call in a few minutes to talk about Aiden's development...hope that we can get him talking- it would help with our struggles with him lately

I have to go pee before this call...see- no time!

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