Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pre-School and Other Events

Before I state what has happened in the past few weeks- I just want to say that I am so excited for this weekend. I get to spend the whole weekend with my baby- no daddy- no Aiden- just me and the baby! I am so excited!? Did I say that already? We are going to go for a walk with a friend and spend the day at some family camps...but the rest of the weekend so far is unwritten. I might take advantage of some naps and try to get through my pile of college books that I still have and try to sell them or donate or recycle them or something...not sure yet.

This past weekend, my niece got married, and I made her a wedding cake. It was a four tiered square cake with an extra cake on the side (due to my nervousness and error of removing the cake properly out the first time!). With only a few hiccups, the cake came out great! I was very pleased with the results. She had a beautiful day, and I am so excited that her husband is in our family. I think he is wonderful and sweet!

Aiden started pre-school yesterday. This was the school I had originally signed him up for before I started going through CDS to get him services. CDS agrees with me that this is still a good option for him for socialization and getting him ready. He hasn't been in regular daycare since he was 21 months old. He is now 40 months old. I wasn't sure how Aiden would handle yesterday. Sometimes he can surprise me...but I was the parent with the screaming child. His teacher was really good, and within 10 minutes, he was settled and in the mix. Although, I think he takes after his mom, and he peed 4 times in a 2.5 hour session. Nerves???

Elijah is starting to use more syllables. He still isn't talking but he is making more attempts to get his point across. People always say that the younger one starts to talk sooner because they have someone to copy- and with Aiden being delayed, I am not so sure how that is going to go. Aiden is talking plenty, so it could go either way.

That is the cuteness I get to spend my weekend with!!!!

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