We had Aiden's speech evaluation on Monday. He did perfect. Meaning- he acted and tested the way I wanted him too. I wanted him to be the way he is for us. It sounds horrible, but I really want him to get services so in order for him to get them, I need him to be at his worst! Don't get me wrong, he was trying so hard to be good and for the most part he behaved, but his personality and lack of attention came through.
It was nice of the evaluator to note that she thought it was great how well I follow through when disciplining Aiden. It is so tiring to always follow through but it was nice to get it noticed.
My mother got the call from the behavioral psychologist this am as well. Do I sink my head in shame when he says to her, "God Bless you," when he was referring to how she has provided daycare for him for most of his life or do I laugh because and smile with glee because he recognizes what we deal with???
Case in point- Aiden is three and knows there are certain things he shouldn't touch. You say but he is three. Well, I have friends that can keep their phones on end tables or on the wall, and their children or child does not play with it. With Aiden- you have to baby proof everything in sight because he just can't resist. He climbed up and got ahold of a Sharpie and wrote all over my mother's rug, wall, oak table, window and window sill yesterday...
The day before, he unlocked the door and went outside where traffic speeds up to 50 or more in a 35 mph zone.
I LOVE the new PICTURE!!!
So what is the next step?
And... just for the record, I think it was a little bit unprofessional for the DR. to say that to your mom... Didn't he think that it might come back to you?? :(
You guys are taking charge of the situation, and I am so grateful for parents like you guys. Many parents in this situation have no clue what to do, and don't even try to get help.... And then when they are school age, the problems are more complicated. So GOOD JOB. Take a deep breath. *hugs*
Thanks Meredith! Next steps are:
Have the behavioral call tonight. Get some recommendations on who he should see this summer regardless of what CDS says/recommends.
Get Aiden in Speech now!
Have the meeting with CDS on June 13th.
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