I won an award from Meredith! Yippee!! http://thenextinstallment.wordpress.com/
So here are the rules that go along with this particular award:
Thank the person who gave you the award.
1.Share seven things about yourself.
2.Nominate bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
3.Let your nominees know about the award.
Well, seven things about myself....I will try to make this interesting...
1. I love anything with peanut butter in it- especially english muffins with butter and peanut butter. My husband thinks it is disgusting, and I think it is pretty close to good sex! OH MY- did I just type that!?
2. I love playing the game, "If I made 100K..." I like to live in la, la land.
3. When I get to a weight I am comfortable wearing a bathing suit, I am going to find a way to get some money and go to an island just with my husband.
4. I require at least 6 hours of sleep, but to make me happy I need more than 7.
5. Even with my sleep requirements, I still think it is important to fit in me time, friend time, family time...I just wish there was more time.
6. I love both of my children for different reasons because both kids are very different.
7. My husband did something recently a lot of men wouldn't do, but did it for us, and I love him even more for it!!!
I haven't really found any new bloggers lately...but a blog that I absolutely love to read is The Pioneer Woman- you will see her on my reading list. She is a lot of fun!
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