Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Morning

I was so excited that it was Christmas morning, that when I woke up at 5am, I couldn't understand why no one else was awake! I laid quietly in bed until 5:30. I heard Aiden starting to stir, so I went downstairs, made coffee, opened all the shades, turned on the Christmas lights and music, and made sure everything was just so. I got my coffee all ready, and I went back upstairs to get Russ up.

We had the video camera all set up, so Russ came down and turned it on. We put a mechanical Tonka forklift under the tree, unwrapped---a way to entice the little one. That did the trick! He was so excited! We would partially open a present, and when he could see what was possibly there, he would finish unwrapping the present.

One of his favorite presents from Santa was a farm book that he has been carrying around now for days. Above is a shot of him reviewing the book right after he opened the present. I can't wait until next year (with two little ones!)
We were so tired at the end of the day that I was in bed by 8:30 and Russ who never goes to bed early, was in bed by 10:30. We were pooped!

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