Russ brought Aiden upstairs at 9pm, Aiden put his head down and silence. Russ came downstairs, forgot the monitor, went back upstairs, Aiden saw him, Aiden cried for a few, and then...
Aiden slept from 9 until 1:30. After some crying, Russ changed his diaper, I fed him a bottle, and about 15 minutes later and a few tears, Aiden was back down to sleep.
He slept quietly until about 5am...he got a bit restless but stayed asleep and quiet until 6:30am!
This really works. I can't wait to see what tonight brings!
PS---Aiden is starting to wave---well, more like toss his arm up and down. It is super cute though! (Of course!)
Beautiful and so sweet!!
Yay! I remember when Stephen started to a) sleep in his crib, and then a bit later b) sleep through the night (using the same method) it was when I really started to feel human again!!
Yay Aidan!!! Such a big strong boy!
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