So the first day of daycare was on Tuesday. We need to be out by 7:30 in the am but on this day we wanted to be out by 7:15 so that I could spend some time at daycare...
Well, Aiden puked in his Moses basket at 6:45am right before Russ went to get him to go change him...so it was time to get out a bath. We managed to still get out on time, and I got to work in time! I actually did okay...only cried here at home when Russ put Aiden in his car seat!
Aiden has done really well at daycare. Work has been fine...just overwhelming with the amount I need to organize. There are office supplies missing, a gift certificate for the auction missing...UGH! So many deals have happened, and I don't know about them...so it stresses me out. But not like it would have before...
Pumping at work is interesting. I actually found doing half days at home and half days at work hard because when I am home---baby wants to eat, needs a diaper change, etc. I found myself sitting on the floor with my back up against the couch, laptop on the coffee table, boppy on my lap and baby on boob. It was very complicated.
Well, next week is daycare all day---so we will see how it goes!
:-) Great picture!
The beautiful Dyer family! How perfect.
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