This is the first full week of work and daycare, and Aiden caught a cold early Monday, so I have really struggled with being away from him. I like his daycare but I am finding that I am very possessive of my son and get very upset with how loving my providor is towards my son. I know that sounds weird because it is great that she is kind and loving and gentle and caring towards him...but I am jealous and upset that I can't do that for him all day long, and I am upset that the one day I drop him off and he is awake, she takes him out of my arms. I realize she is probably trying to get me out of the drop so in the future I learn how to drop him off and not create anxiety...but it is only our first full week. I don't know! Plus, he has been doing most of his sleeping in his car seat which bothers me. She has a pack and play and a bouncy seat...
Yesterday, we bought an activity mat and brought it to her. I am hoping she puts him on it. He is really starting to grab for things and look at things, and since I can't be there to stimulate him all day long, I really hope she is doing it. I will look forward to seeing his notes tonight when I get home.
The other day I said, "My son....," and it was just like saying my husband or my finance for the first time. It gave me the shivers!
I bought a "hooter cover" the other day too. I hope it works well. Aiden doesn't like to be covered up while nursing, and he does horrible nursing when I have him covered. The hooter cover has a good bit of ventilation, so I hope that this works...I don't want to have to go to a bathroom or dressing room or some corner when he needs to eat and struggle with a blanket, etc.
I know I am thoughts are all over the place, and I am just down right tired! I think Russ is going to let me sleep in on Sunday. I can't wait!