I couldn't resist the little hat! It does make him look a bit like a girl but so what- he is cute! This was at our family Christmas party! He had a great time and behaved himself and somehow managed to sleep through some of it too!
His sleep hasn't improved; he is actually more clingy now and more vocal. Remember when I said this child never cried? Well, he has made up for it! We can't put him down; he wants to be near us. I wouldn't mind that he is sleeping with us but he is just so restless and moves and fusses so much, that sleep has been difficult to obtain because of it.
Two nights ago (the night before I left for NY), he was up so often that I think I saw every hour of the night and early am! Last night while I was getting beautiful sleep in the hotel in NY, Russ was up every two hours with him. They say once teeth start coming in, they just keep coming...but we haven't see any new teeth in a while now. He only has his two bottom front teeth. So, maybe his upper teeth are trying to come in??? And he has been a bit stuffy but this can't be the reason for his sleep night after night either. I am tired of trying to figure it out---does that make me horrible?
I had a really cool trip to NY city. Our office party was at The Players Club which was owned by John Booth----James Wilkes Booth's brother. I might have messed up names but the brother who didn't kill the president owned the home. It was incredible; the history was immense! His library was huge and holds the largest amount of playscripts, and we saw his bedroom just the way he left it.
Then---we went to Gramercy Park- the acutal park! We walked through it in the snow. It was great! History lesson- Gramercy Park is one of two private parks in all of NY state. The only peope who have a key (it is a locked park) are the people who have homes with windows facing the park. One of my bosses, is the treasurer of the park. He took us through. I learned that Julia Roberts also lives right across the street from The Players Club.
What a cool place!