To say that I have avoided this blog is an understatement. There has been lots of drama that would make for good reading but not really appropriate for me to publish. But there have been new things going on in my life that I do feel I need to put out there...for the sake of my own sanity and maybe in the hopes of connecting with other parents in a similar situation of our family.
As we approach the first month anniversary, I am reflecting back on how it all started...I was at a scrapbooking weekend. Russ had taken the night off and our friend was watching the boys. She called to say that Aiden was vomiting all over the place. Russ went to go get him.
Fast forward two weeks later when he was at his doctor for his med check-up. (Kids with ADHD get checked every few months because of the type of medications they are on, if you choose to medicate.) She stated that he had lost weight which isn't good, so we implemented a supervised lunch in one of his classrooms at school to make sure he was eating everything. He was eating everything.
Then Aiden started wetting the bed every, SINGLE, night. More like soaking the bed. This was very unlike him. We thought something was bothering him so we keep pressing him and asking him if anything was bothering him. He told us that a boy on his bus was hitting him. (They have assigned seats on their bus.) I proceeded to go to his bus stop with him since he usually gets on at his daycare. I spoke to the bus driver, and she moved his seat. We thought the problem was resolved. Nope...still peeing his bed every night and getting up at least once to also go the bathroom. I emailed his teachers asking if they had seen any changes. They hadn't.
Then on Sunday, March 22nd, Aiden got up to go the bathroom while I was still up. Then he came down at 2am and told me he soaked his bed. He sleeps on the top bunk and I am height deprived. I told him that we would change his bed in the am and he could sleep on the couch. I helped him clean up and change. I tucked him in on the couch. He had seen me throw his wet pajamas in the tub to deal with in the am. I tried to go back to sleep. I couldn't turn my head off. I thought of my brother telling me how he figured out that he was diabetic. He was wetting his bed as a grown man. He couldn't stop drinking water. I thought about how Aiden was drinking non-stop that day. I kept saying to myself- no, he can't have it. He can't! He must have an UTI without any pain.
That morning, we rushed out of the house to get him to daycare. I came home, got ready to shower when I found the pajamas I put Aiden in at 2am. They were also soaked. He didn't tell me about peeing himself again. I took my shower, cleaned everything up and waited to call the doctor. I called my brother to tell him what I thought. He told me that he was probably fine. (He later told me that he was just saying that to keep me calm.) I called the doctor, told them what I was seeing and they had us come right in- they didn't want to wait until late day.
With just a simple urine sample, Aiden had a blood sugar level of 1,000! I had to take him to the ER immediately. That is when we learned that Aiden had type 1 diabetes.