I don't often post much about family dynamics outside my immediate family. My mom, aka Memere, has been watching Aiden since he was a year old starting with two days a week. Right before Eli was born, she started watching him full time. That was over two years ago. Last week was my mom's last week watching the boys full time. I am grateful for the time she has given them. I am grateful for what she has given us. The time had come, quite some time ago, that it was time for the boys to start going to a different daycare.
Today was the first day of their new daycare. We are in the "honeymoon phase." They had a great day. They were happy to see us leave. Aiden quickly shooed us out the door. I cried as I drove down the street. There is a huge amount of comfort when your children are with your family, and it is going to take some time for me to have trust and faith. I am a control freak, and I know this is what is best, and it is the best, but I guess you could say I don't have blind faith right now.
Aiden's birthday was the other day. He turned FOUR! He is getting so big! I can't believe I have a four year old. He is growing so quickly, and he is making so much progress. He is in a few phases of asking where things are as well as saying everything is, "Mine!" Yet, at the same time, he will randomly come up to us and say he loves us and will just randomly say, "truck and buses." I think he is onto the next catch phrase to replace more inappropriate phases.
The day after Aiden's birthday was the six year anniversary of my stroke. I have had a lot of highs related to my stroke this month as it is Go Red month with the American Heart Association. I spoke at two events and received wonderful feedback at both. At one, I spoke at length with a doctor who sought me out and wanted to know more about my story. He wanted to learn from my stroke. If you know my story, that is a big deal! At another event, I had a lady give me a bouquet of flowers she won in a raffle telling me how grateful she was that I shared my story. She was in tears, and she brought me to tears. I felt very proud to be able to share my story!
Tomorrow is my dad's ten year anniversary of his passing. For years, I actually would go throughout the day and not even notice it was the anniversary because I started to remember him not just by the date of his death but it was more about the random things that happened that would help me remember him or feel him- sometimes a saying or like when I saw an older man wearing a ball cap right on top of his head. But something about it being ten years is making it so hard. I tear up whenever I think about it. So tomorrow, I will not be going to his headstone because he won't be there- he will be in my kitchen with me as I finish my kitchen remodel listening to the AM Radio and trying to whistle.
And lastly, in less than two week, my baby is turning two. TWO. He is currently cutting his molars, telling me that sheep say, "Baa," and nodding his head and appropriately saying yes! Today he told me that he had fun at daycare.

This month so many events hold major significance in my life. I have to keep holding onto the thought that with death comes life and with change good things can come.