"They" say that the child's brain is like a sponge and absorbs more than you may realize.
Well, my child's sponge absorbed the word or what sounded like the word bitch, and what is even more amazing is that he knew in what context to use this word. Hmph...where did he learn this?
Let me give you the story.
Waking up to the sounds of Aiden on the monitor saying, "Rip it. Rip it." I awoke in fear and shook Russ because I was so afraid it was his library book and insisted that he go look.
Confirmed- library book ripped.
Two hours later, we are in the car returning the books to the library. Run errands at Lowe's and Target. We, Aiden and I, head over to TJMaxx. My mission- find a pair of red pants for Eli for Easter. (I know- it sounds strange but I found this awesome gray blazer that has a guitar stiched in red on it, and I wanted to find a pair of red pants to match.)
I asked Aiden to look at a book so that he would stay put. At that point, I realized my first misatke was not using a cart. Then, I learned my second mistake. When I couldn't find any pants, I asked Aiden to put the book back so that we could leave. Uh Oh! FULL BLOWN TANTRUM!!! The kicking, the screaming, the crying, the pinching, the hitting and him yelling, "Bitch!" as I am pulling him, carrying him, etc out of the store. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
Later, we drive to my mom's to drop off outside play toys for them to use during the week. I ask my mom to watch what she says. She says that she doesn't say that word. Between you, me and this blog, her favorite sayings are as follows: Jesus, Mary and Joseph and Son of a Bitch. I said okay and dropped the subject.
Proceed to yesterday:
Dropped the kids off at her house and while there, she was trying to close a shade. It wasn't working. She hollared, "Son of a Bitch!" She gasped and covered her mouth.
Enough said.