Aiden's evaluation was great! They did a great job! He had a blast showing off for them, plus they had all kinds of neat things for him to explore, which turned out to be his biggest downfall. They way they score is using a standarized test; a score of 85-115 is considered normal. They looked at five areas of development, and he scored well on all of them...but speech- he was at an 87. If we had him screened earlier, he would have been below normal which we knew. He scored low in one other area- cognitive development. His score was a 77, and it was this way because he can't sit and play with something for 5 minutes. He should be able to be enthralled with something and focus on a toy for that long, but he can't. We were not surprised to hear this. I was first noticing this when we would give him a bucket to fill and empty or to stack blocks. He never has liked blocks. If Russ and I build something, he will happily knock it over but he won't take the time to build it. If I give him a bucket, he will happily carry it around but he won't fill it to dump it. He will dump any container we fill though! If he had scored low on speech and cognitive, he would have qualified for services.
They are going to come back and look at his tactile issues. I am concerned about it, and they are happy to do the evaluation. I will keep you posted on the results.
The other thing they mentioned is how he is still walking part time on his tippie toes. This can become an issue because it keeps the leg muscles tight and can inhibit the way his leg muscles grow, etc. So we are doing some physical therapy on his feet by stretching them out when he lets us!
One more thing to note- my lovely son has said dada forever. Wouldn't you know when they gave Aiden some plastic figurines to identify, he said, "Mom!" I was shocked! Now he says, "Mom" all the time!