Thursday, October 29, 2009


Aiden doesn't really have any attachments to things- he never really enjoyed being breastfed. After I stopped nursing, he never reached or asked for them. He doesn't suck his thumb, he doesn't use a pacifier, and he doesn't get upset about which blankets are in his crib. One thing though he has always enjoyed is the bottle. For months now, we have been using a sippy cup in the morning and for the entire day except for the milk before bed- that has been in a bottle. Well, for the past two nights, we have been giving him a sippy cup. We haven't noticed any significant change in his sleep pattern, and he hasn't really thrown a fit about being given a sippy cup.

I am proud that he can handle change so well. Or maybe we are just patient and know when he is ready for change? Who knows? I am just happy that so far, it has been smooth.

Now, for the hair pulling and tantrums...that is another story!


On Tuesday, October 27th, Aiden said his first word (excluding Mom and Dad). He actually just started saying momma actively last week. Every morning when Russ and I are getting ready for work, we get Aiden changed, give him a sippy cup of milk, and put on either Elmo or Baby Signing Time. He, of course, has strong feelings about what he is going to watch. He will either sign baby or "raise the roof" for Elmo. I asked him what he wanted to watch, and he said outloud, "Mom, Elmo!" It was as clear as day! I was so excited! I proclaimed my excitement, Russ came running in, and Aiden proceeded to clam up. He would not say a word for his daddy.

People say it is a curse once they start talking because then they do not stop. Well, for right now, I am looking forward to this! :-) Don't quote me on that.

Definitely Siblings!

Here is an ultrasound of the new little one at 19 weeks.

Here is an ultrasound of Aiden at 23 weeks.

See the family resemblance?


Friday, October 23, 2009

Pure Enjoyment

For weeks, Aiden had a runny nose, and it was mostly due to him cutting eye teeth. He wasn't a horrible child, and most of the time, he was very pleasant. Sleep had been a bit of an issue, but it was all manageable and just fine. Last weekend, Aiden was such an incredible child- easy, laughing, happy, spirited. We didn't know he could be this good! I guess what I am trying to say is that although we thought he was pleasant before, he really impressed us over the weekend.
We took him to see his Grampy at an Irish Pub up in Bath. They preform on the 17th of every month. He is the drum major for The Maine Public Safety Core. I am sure I didn't get the name correct.

I think the picture will help explain what I am talking about. Anyways, we were meeting him and Dee at the pub at three for a snack/ late lunch/ early supper, and they were to perform from 4-5. Earlier in the day, I had Mommy's group, so by the time I got Aiden down, he ended up only having an hour nap. We thought he would nap in the car on the way up since it was an hour ride- NOPE! Russ and I said to one another that it could really go one of two ways once we got there. Aiden would either really love the music or be horrible due to noise and/or exhaustion. (It should be noted that on most days, Aiden naps anywhere from 2- 3.5 hours.)

Long story short- AIDEN LOVED THE BAG PIPES AND THE DRUMS! Grampy would announce, "To the Guinness!" Folks would raise their glasses and proclaim, "To the Guinness!" He would then yell, "Hoist!" Then everyone would repeat that and take a swig of their drinks. Aiden quickly caught on (God- I hope he doesn't act like this when he is 18!) and took sips out of his sippy cup when his Grampy made these proclamations. He clapped along, smiled and thoroughly enjoyed himself. As the end of the performance approached, this lady from across the pub, approached me. She asked me if I was Aiden's mom, and I told her I was. She told me that she thought Aiden was adorable and asked for me to take the money she was handing me to go buy Aiden a present! Russ and I are not sure if that was sweet, morbid or both. What do you think? By the end, Aiden was rubbing his eyes and was quite tired. It was now five, dinner time, and we had an hour drive home. We were about 30 minutes into our trip, when Aiden got fussy. We decided to stop and get a quick bite to eat. He behaved the whole time, ate his dinner, and because we are just on top of our game, didn't know until the end of his supper, that he was sitting in a leaky diaper. We got home, gave him a bath, and he went to bed without a hitch. Needless to say, it was a great day with a child who barely slept. And not to brag, but Sunday was just as good.

I guess, as parents, we all need moments like these to remind us why we wanted to be parents. We all know they are going to be difficult, but it is in these times when they are so fun, you really don't have the stress and can just enjoy.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Much Going On All The Time!

It seems like there is always something new going on in our house with Aiden. Lately it has been sleep issues. He suddenly likes to wake up around 1 and not go back to bed until 3am. It is quite a drag. Hopefully, it is just because of teeth or something. We are tired parents.

Last night, Aiden started signing bus all by himself. He also did train! He now signs the following:

- Dad

- Hat

- Horse

- Thank you

- Please

- Flower

- Dog

- Milk

- Bus

- Cold

- Hot

- Cracker

- Baby

- Tree

- Cat

- Bike

- Ball

- Shoes

- More

- Fish

- Eat

- Stop

- All done

- Rain

- and more that neither Russ or I can think of at the moment.

Bath time has become quite the adventure as well. He has found his "you know what." He loves to reach for the toliet paper and get it soaking wet. He loves to splash and lay on his belly and read his bath books. He is quite the site!

Lately, he grunts while in his car seat and reaches out with his hand. He wants to hold my hand while I am driving. It is quite hysterical (and dangerous), but I just can't resist. He gives me the biggest smile when we do it, and honestly, this is the most I get out of him in terms of cuddling. He will cuddle up to me when getting ready for bed but when it comes to actually going to bed, he wants his daddy.

We got Aiden a football a while back, but just took it out for him to play with. He loves to tease Tugs with it...and Tugs will jump up on him, push him over, take the ball and run. Aiden will scream and go chasing after the ball! It is quite a site. They love to play with one another.

He is growing like a weed, and is ready for another haircut. What a big boy!