Sunday, June 21, 2009

Aiden's Stats

I have been thinking a lot about Aiden lately who just turned 16 months old! Let me rephrase that- I am always thinking about Aiden but I have been thinking about a lot of little things about him.

* Aiden loves to play peek-a-boo either by lifting his bib up or by hiding behind things. He also likes to just stay hidden and have you come find him. I can't believe he is already playing hide-and-seek.

* Aiden likes to grab my pointing finger and have me act like I am being zapped. He cracks up!

* Aiden is saying so many things- with sign language! He says: all done, more, dog, signing time, hat, dad, and please.

* Aiden has more fun brushing his teeth now than he does taking a bath.

* Aiden is getting so good with his fine motor skills (minus how he still shoves food in his mouth!). You can just see him focus as he tries so hard to push a button and make something work.

* Aiden has figured out how to make himself go forward on his little car- he pushes his chest forward as he does it- hilarious!

* Aiden is freaked out by all dogs unless they are his own.

* Aiden loves his books. He will sit on the floor and flip through the pages for long stretches at a time.

* Aiden is getting really good at coming back down the stairs now.

* Aiden thinks climbing on the furniture is the best thing since sliced bread.

*And if I unplugged his humidifier in his room, he gets sick as soon as I put it away, so we have left it plugged in.