Monday, February 23, 2009

Aiden's First Birthday Party!

WoW! What a party! It was a lot of fun! Russ has to work on Saturday mornings, so it was so great to have Cheri come over and help out. She gave Aiden a bath, fed him lunch, helped me pipe on the "fur" on Cookie Monster, she entertained Aiden, she helped set up and clean up. She was a blessing to have on Saturday! It is a lot of work to entertain 27 people!
Aiden didn't like how the frosting felt on his hand, so he never ate the cake. He did have some after his lunch with Auntie Cheri but not during his ceremonial Happy Birthday song or anything. He did know he was center of attention---he put on a good show. He was such a good boy too! No break downs or anything! Happy birthday little man! We love you!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Aiden is One Today

Look at our little guy! He is growing up! Happy Birthday, Aiden! Mommy and Daddy love you very much! All week I have been running the play by play of this time last year in my mind. As I am typing this...I was in labor for you, and I had just gotten an epidural! We were so excited that you were coming into our lives.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Seven

Hooray! We made it a week, and it wasn't horrible or anything!!! Aiden slept all night last night- no wake ups! I wonder how long that is going to last!?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Six

Last night was a bit complicated. Aiden only took a two hour nap from 11:30 until 1:30---so by 6 he was quite ready for bed. We were at my mom's house, so Russ took him home. I came in the house, shortly after Russ put him down, but Aiden wasn't going down. I went up with a bottle, and Aiden sucked it down and off to sleep he went. He did get up though around 3:30 and really struggled to go back down. He had slept 8 and a half hours at this point! We took him downstairs, and I laid with him on the couch (not our bed) and off to sleep he went.

We slept there until 6:20am!

Crying It Out- Night Five

Cheri and Chris had the honor of putting Aiden to bed, and I must say, they did an excellent job! Aiden did his usual- put his head down, cried until they reached the bottom of the steps, and he went off to sleep.

He slept until 3 or so, had a small bottle, and back to bed until 6:45am!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Four

So, last night was a rough night...

He went down okay, and he did his usual wake up around 1am...but he really struggled to soothe himself to get back down. Russ and I both got up...we both tried the bottle, etc...his diaper didn't feel too wet, so we left it...but he kept crying...Russ got back and changed him...Aiden proceeded to scream...but he did go down...

I think we were up off and on for over an hour last night.

I say it was rough because there were more tears than any night so far.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Three

Last night we had company, so we were a bit nervous and uncertain of how he would respond to the commotion, etc when it came time for bed.

Russ brought him upstairs, put him in the crib, two minutes of crying...and silence until 1:30. A small bottle of magic called formula...and ta da...back to sleep after a few minutes of crying.

Aiden woke up on his own at 6:30am!

I am loving it!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crying It Out- Night Two


Russ brought Aiden upstairs at 9pm, Aiden put his head down and silence. Russ came downstairs, forgot the monitor, went back upstairs, Aiden saw him, Aiden cried for a few, and then...


Aiden slept from 9 until 1:30. After some crying, Russ changed his diaper, I fed him a bottle, and about 15 minutes later and a few tears, Aiden was back down to sleep.

He slept quietly until about 5am...he got a bit restless but stayed asleep and quiet until 6:30am!

This really works. I can't wait to see what tonight brings!

PS---Aiden is starting to wave---well, more like toss his arm up and down. It is super cute though! (Of course!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crying It Out- Night One

When Aiden was in his ninth month, he started to sleep through the night, so his need for nursing was minimal. We thought that it would be a good time to get him sleeping back in his crib. After a week of letting him cry it out, there was no improvement of his ability to go down or a shorter crying period...instead, the nights just got worse!

Well, here Aiden is at almost a year old---only 15 more days to go (holy cow---he is almost one!), and we decided now is the time. We know he can go through the night without a bottle, and he is pretty much weaned from me. So....last night, was our first night. I stayed out of the process entirely except to be Russ' support. We thought it would be best for me to not be involved because we weren't sure if that would be harder for Aiden to have me going in to comfort him---not sure if that would confuse him or not...since I am typically the "boob." Aiden will only sleep for me if I pacify him...he will sleep on Daddy's shoulder or belly without a bottle or boob. Hence our decision.

Well, after about an hour...he went down. He ended up using a blanket as a pillow---I know, I know...not the safest...

He slept for 8 hours straight! Woo Hoo!

Let's see what tonight brings!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dear Aiden,

Dear Aiden,

I know you love your daddy just by the way you smile at him and reach your arms out to him. I know you love your daddy by the way you snuggle with him to fall asleep. I know you love your daddy just by the way you giggle with him.

I want you to know that I love your daddy too. Your daddy has been working so hard lately and in so many ways. I love his dedication to you and our family. I love how he smiles from the inside out when he is with you. I love how he doesn't complain when mommy has to work late. I love how he is just so happy to spend time with you no matter the reason.

I also want you to know something...your daddy has been working really hard at losing weight so that he feels better but also so that he can be with you and me for as long as possible. Your daddy has done a great job! I am really proud of him!

I can't wait to see how your love will flourish with him as you get bigger and bigger!

We love you little man!
