Some people have no issues with breastfeeding- the baby just gets it. Well, Aiden isn't quite getting it. I have been struggling since day one with him. It is a lot of things---
For me: I have a hard time holding my breast (quite big) and holding him while he squirms and puts his hand over the top of my nipple so I can't see what he is doing. I can't seem to get my nipple in far enough or stay hard enough, long enough to make it worth his while (unless I use the breast shield.)
For Aiden: He has a small mouth (sort of). If he is yawning, his mouth opens up enough, but most times when he is hungry, his mouth is oval and it isn't wide enough. Most times, I have to adjust his bottom lip because he doesn't make the "fish lips," so it usually hurts my nipple. Aiden gets very frustrated quite quickly because he isn't getting instant satisfaction.
On a positive note, I was able to get him to latch for 15 minutes last night! Usually it is only for five. Russ brought down the rocking chair, and I think it made quite a difference because it put me more upright, and I think the angle was much better.
I am going to a breastfeeding support group today. Hopefully it helps. I am happy to pump to get my milk to come in and to supplement while I am at work and for the occassional bottle so Russ can take part, but I don't want to feel like all I am doing is is different when the baby is latched.
Acknowledging all the little steps in being a family and raising little ones...and all the crazy parts too!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Here it is 7:22am, and I am watching the news after making some brownies, cleaning the bottles and getting something out of the freezer for dinner tonight. I was up at 5, feeding Aiden, then pumping and getting some breakfast. I have had so many emotions and thoughts constantly running through me for weeks now.
I am in love! I am in love with my husband all over again! I am in love with my newborn child! I am in love with so many things. I appreciate and adore my best girl friend to a whole new level! I feel bleesed to be loved by so many. I love staring at my little Aiden and am amazed that he came from Russ and me...that we created him! I still can't fathom that he came out of me! I am just in awe by everything right now!
I am feeling very blessed to have such a good baby. We are getting good amounts of sleep at night. Yesterday, we were out from 9:30am until 4:45 or so---he was awesome! (Mommy was more tired than anyone!) I am just amazed at my new addition in my life! I can't wait for each to begin and see what happens.
I am in love! I am in love with my husband all over again! I am in love with my newborn child! I am in love with so many things. I appreciate and adore my best girl friend to a whole new level! I feel bleesed to be loved by so many. I love staring at my little Aiden and am amazed that he came from Russ and me...that we created him! I still can't fathom that he came out of me! I am just in awe by everything right now!
I am feeling very blessed to have such a good baby. We are getting good amounts of sleep at night. Yesterday, we were out from 9:30am until 4:45 or so---he was awesome! (Mommy was more tired than anyone!) I am just amazed at my new addition in my life! I can't wait for each to begin and see what happens.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
And Here's......AIDEN!!!!!

After 19 hours, Aiden Russell Dyer joined us at 7:34 PM on February 19th, 2008. He weighs in at a hefty, yet healthy 8 pounds, 8 ounces. He measures in at 21 1/2 inches. Those are the vitals, so after no further ado, here are the pictures. (We tried posting these from the hospital but the wirelesss was very, very slow! And then we came home...and getting a schedule and finding the time...)
Monday, February 11, 2008
BABY NEWS with Pictures!
Went for my Monday am appointment today. Baby is looking good. They are not certain of the weight---it gets harder to be accurate as you get closer, and this week the baby weighed less than two weeks ago---which we all know isn't true, but that means the measurement two weeks ago was more off than on. So, they did measure me today...and the baby hasn't budged! But---it will be budging soon, because next Wednesday is my due date and they do not want me going too far off my due date.
I am scheduled for an induction on Thursday the 21st at 6pm. That means if the baby is born after midnight, which I am assuming what will happen---then the baby will be born on the anniversary of my dad's death- which I think is great because it is that whole philosophy that out of death comes life. Who knows- the baby might come before that (which would be great) but if not, at least I can have that date and feel more like myself---living by a schedule. :)
The reason for the induction is that they do not want me going much past my due date due to my anti-S Antigen. They just feel there is a greater risk to the baby if we wait. They would have induced me this week but I was not even 1cm dilated, and if you are not dilated at all when they start to induce you, you are at a much higher risk for a C-Section, and they do not want to do a C-Section unless they absolutely have to. Amen to that!
That is the news. We got a great 3D of the baby today...once we scan that, we will post!
2/12/08 - Ok, here are the pics!!!!

I am scheduled for an induction on Thursday the 21st at 6pm. That means if the baby is born after midnight, which I am assuming what will happen---then the baby will be born on the anniversary of my dad's death- which I think is great because it is that whole philosophy that out of death comes life. Who knows- the baby might come before that (which would be great) but if not, at least I can have that date and feel more like myself---living by a schedule. :)
The reason for the induction is that they do not want me going much past my due date due to my anti-S Antigen. They just feel there is a greater risk to the baby if we wait. They would have induced me this week but I was not even 1cm dilated, and if you are not dilated at all when they start to induce you, you are at a much higher risk for a C-Section, and they do not want to do a C-Section unless they absolutely have to. Amen to that!
That is the news. We got a great 3D of the baby today...once we scan that, we will post!
2/12/08 - Ok, here are the pics!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008
Feel Like Complaining
I am in a foul mood. I had a horrible night last night---everything hurt, couldn't get comfortable, couldn't sleep, hurt to walk---the list could just go on. I am at work- I just want to be in bed. I have a headache. I can't wait for this day to be over.
Enough of my B*tching!
Sorry- I just needed to rant.
Enough of my B*tching!
Sorry- I just needed to rant.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Welcome to the new edition of "Getting To Know Your Friends And/Or Blogging Buddies!" (Because if you don't know your friends then...well...something witty.)
Here are the rules.(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Copy and paste on your blog.(3) Fill out.(4) Tag random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (I don't know how to Tag)
1. What time did you get up this morning? I got up many times this morning- but I finally stayed out of bed at 6:15am.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Charlie Wilson's War.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? I am too embarassed to say. Guess I should change what I have been eating for breakfast.
6. Favorite cuisine? Chinese
7. What are your middle names? Not telling
8. What food do you dislike most? Same as Melanie- Mushrooms and Seafood/Fish
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? None at the moment
10. What kind of car would you drive? I do drive...if I could drive any kind of car?? Probably a very safe one which is probably way too expensive.
11. Favorite sandwich? Anything that is made from real meat---I hate deli meat. I like a real turkey sandwich from meat carved off the bird. U get me?
12. What characteristic do you despise? Assumptions
13. Favorite item of clothing? Currently- I have one outfit that I could wear everyday--my gray striped outfit...very comfy. But usually- if it is comfy- it is my favorite.
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? I would love to go to Ireland.
15. What color is your bathroom? Beige and Blue
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Don't have one.
17. Where would you retire? Not sure...I think I want to stay close to family.
18. What was your most memorable birthday? Don't have one.
19. Favorite sport to watch? I like to go to soccer games and hockey games---key word- GO. Not a fan of watching any sport on TV except for figure skating and gymnastics.
20. Furthest place you are sending this? Depends who reads my blog
21. When is your birthday? That sounds like identifying information...
22. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning person
23. What is your shoe size? Not sure anymore. Currently the only shoes I am wearing are a full size bigger than normal.
24. Pets? Two wonderful dogs- Tugs and Tanner.
25. What did you want to be when you were big? An art teacher
26. How are you today? Very tired and achey.
27. What is your favorite lolly/sweet/chocolate? Chocoalte and peanut butter
28. What is a date on the calendar you are looking forward to? The one where I give birth!
29. Piercings? Ears
30. Place of birth? That also sounds like identifying information
31. Love someone/something so much it made you cry? Yes
32. Favorite Restaurant: I have many
33. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: I miss them all.
34. Favorite ice cream: I love all ice cream. But currently my favorite is one at Maggie Moo's- it has tons of chocolate and peanut butter in it.
35. What color is your bedroom: White
36. From whom did you get your last e-mail? Someone at work.
37. What do you do most often when you are bored? Fall asleep.
38. Bedtime: 10ish
39. What are you listening to right now: The hum of office equiptment.
40. What is your favorite color/s? I really like Wedgewood Blue.
41. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Only God knows the answer to that, and I am not going to try to figure it out.
42. What are you wearing? Beige pants and a black top.
43. What is the greatest place on earth? The comfort of home.
44. How would you react to a flat tire? I would say the f word probably 10 times and then curse because we don't have triple A.
45. How many people are you tagging: Nobody! Play along if you're feelin' it, and leave me a comment to let me know!
Here are the rules.(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Copy and paste on your blog.(3) Fill out.(4) Tag random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (I don't know how to Tag)
1. What time did you get up this morning? I got up many times this morning- but I finally stayed out of bed at 6:15am.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Charlie Wilson's War.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? I am too embarassed to say. Guess I should change what I have been eating for breakfast.
6. Favorite cuisine? Chinese
7. What are your middle names? Not telling
8. What food do you dislike most? Same as Melanie- Mushrooms and Seafood/Fish
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? None at the moment
10. What kind of car would you drive? I do drive...if I could drive any kind of car?? Probably a very safe one which is probably way too expensive.
11. Favorite sandwich? Anything that is made from real meat---I hate deli meat. I like a real turkey sandwich from meat carved off the bird. U get me?
12. What characteristic do you despise? Assumptions
13. Favorite item of clothing? Currently- I have one outfit that I could wear everyday--my gray striped outfit...very comfy. But usually- if it is comfy- it is my favorite.
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? I would love to go to Ireland.
15. What color is your bathroom? Beige and Blue
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Don't have one.
17. Where would you retire? Not sure...I think I want to stay close to family.
18. What was your most memorable birthday? Don't have one.
19. Favorite sport to watch? I like to go to soccer games and hockey games---key word- GO. Not a fan of watching any sport on TV except for figure skating and gymnastics.
20. Furthest place you are sending this? Depends who reads my blog
21. When is your birthday? That sounds like identifying information...
22. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning person
23. What is your shoe size? Not sure anymore. Currently the only shoes I am wearing are a full size bigger than normal.
24. Pets? Two wonderful dogs- Tugs and Tanner.
25. What did you want to be when you were big? An art teacher
26. How are you today? Very tired and achey.
27. What is your favorite lolly/sweet/chocolate? Chocoalte and peanut butter
28. What is a date on the calendar you are looking forward to? The one where I give birth!
29. Piercings? Ears
30. Place of birth? That also sounds like identifying information
31. Love someone/something so much it made you cry? Yes
32. Favorite Restaurant: I have many
33. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: I miss them all.
34. Favorite ice cream: I love all ice cream. But currently my favorite is one at Maggie Moo's- it has tons of chocolate and peanut butter in it.
35. What color is your bedroom: White
36. From whom did you get your last e-mail? Someone at work.
37. What do you do most often when you are bored? Fall asleep.
38. Bedtime: 10ish
39. What are you listening to right now: The hum of office equiptment.
40. What is your favorite color/s? I really like Wedgewood Blue.
41. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Only God knows the answer to that, and I am not going to try to figure it out.
42. What are you wearing? Beige pants and a black top.
43. What is the greatest place on earth? The comfort of home.
44. How would you react to a flat tire? I would say the f word probably 10 times and then curse because we don't have triple A.
45. How many people are you tagging: Nobody! Play along if you're feelin' it, and leave me a comment to let me know!
Less Than Two Weeks- Maybe? Hopefully!
So as of yesterday, I had two weeks to go until my due date. Time flies! I would really like to go early or on time but you never know when the little one will decide it is time. I keep having little things happen that are new, and Russ will ask with excitement, "Do you think it's time?" He was really cute last night. He asked me if I was ready, and I said, "I could wait a little while longer." (During the day, I am comfortable- so it is no biggie---I am just uncomfortable at night, and that is when I want to have the baby.) He says to me, "Well, I am ready to get on with the rest of my life!" It was really precious! He is so excited! I am too! I just have to stop thinking constantly about whether or not this pang or that pang mean labor; I fear that will jinx me! :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Photos of the Baby's Room

37 Weeks and 5 Days
Went to my appointment this am. Everything is good with the baby. My blood was a little too thin---was told to have a steak and eat more Vitamin C. So I guess I will eat the orange on my desk this afternoon for a snack. I had a steak sub for lunch...yummy. The nurse said that if I were to go into labor this afternoon, they didn't foresee any problems and wouldn't stop the labor.
The swelling in my feet have gone down which is great! I even lost half a pound! I really worked hard on Saturday morning, so my 2-3 hour rest on Saturday afternoono was well deserved and needed. My feet were sort of back to normal after that, and they haven't swelled up since.
Russ is getting very anxious. Every time I have a contraction, he asks, "Do you have any pain in your back?" He is so cute. I tell him, "No, it's just a Braxton Hicks---no real pain and it isn't lasting very long." He gets this look across his face that just says, "Bummer," all over it! He was asking me about who we should call when I go into labor. I don't know what I want. I guess it will all depend on how I feel. For those of you out there who have had babies---what did you do and what do you suggest? All I know is that I want people to meet the baby.
The swelling in my feet have gone down which is great! I even lost half a pound! I really worked hard on Saturday morning, so my 2-3 hour rest on Saturday afternoono was well deserved and needed. My feet were sort of back to normal after that, and they haven't swelled up since.
Russ is getting very anxious. Every time I have a contraction, he asks, "Do you have any pain in your back?" He is so cute. I tell him, "No, it's just a Braxton Hicks---no real pain and it isn't lasting very long." He gets this look across his face that just says, "Bummer," all over it! He was asking me about who we should call when I go into labor. I don't know what I want. I guess it will all depend on how I feel. For those of you out there who have had babies---what did you do and what do you suggest? All I know is that I want people to meet the baby.
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