Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Feeling the Popping!

Here is the baby (two weeksago)! I can't wait to see how much it has changed when I go back on the 11th!
Because we don't know the sex of the baby, we have been trying to decide what to call baby...Here are some names we have thought of:
Soda (a joke by Russ)
Little One
Right now, I think Baby is sticking, but that might change! I think Russ and I are going to work on the registry on Labor Day. It is a bit early but we really want to work on the babies room---and we need to figure out a theme of some sort to know what colors to go wtih.
So yesterday, I was wearing my most comfy pants---the gauchos with literally no waist band, and I was feeling so restricted. I have been dreading maternity panties, but last night, I went to Target in search of them. I couldn't find any! I did meet this really nice lady though who told me Burlington Coat Factory carries the best ones! I swear, I get into the strangest conversations with people. It isn't normal to talk to people about what type of underwear you prefer or what size underwear you wear for that matter! But she was nice, and I appreciated her advice. So I think I will go to BCF tomorrow and pick some up (maybe if they look appealing enough.) I think on Monday I will also look for some dresses that I can start to grow into becuase things around my waist are just not happy.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Officially in the Second Trimester

Okay, so last night I was walking the dogs, and there is a lady in the neighborhood who likes to pet the dogs. So I stopped and talked with her a minute. She asked me, "Are you still pregnant?" Then the guy sitting next to her said, "You can't be pregnant; you don't look it." What horrible things to say! It makes me laugh though...I can't wait until I am further along and hear what people have to say. I have already gotten a few horror labor stories too!

We picked up the baby furniture the other night. Russ was so excited that he just wanted to starting painting the babies room. He said he didn't want to work on the outside of the house anymore and just wants to paint the room. We can't really paint until the ceilings upstairs are done. Plus with our new roomie, we have no place to move anything! But we are really excited and just want to work on that room. It makes it feel even more real!
I have a more recent photo of the ultrasound...I will need to scan that so I can post it. I can really start to feel my belly grow...so I can't wait until I go for my appt on Sept. 11th and see how much the little one has grown!